Frequently Asked Questions
What is a chiropractic adjustment?
Chiropractors regularly assess the motion within a particular joint, along the spine or extremity such as wrists, hips, knees, and ankles. A decrease in joint mobility often results in pain, muscle tightness, and reduced ranges of motion. A chiropractic adjustment is a non-invasive, gentle technique applied to a restricted joint in order to restore proper movement, alleviate pain, and relax the surrounding musculature.
What conditions to chiropractors treat?
Chiropractors treat a variety of conditions including back pain, neck pain, sciatica, headaches, and arthritis.
At Frontenac Chiro, we can treat tennis/golfers elbow, carpal tunnel, rotator cuff injuries, knee pain, IT band syndrome, ankle sprains, plantar fasciitis, TMJ/jaw pain, pregnancy-related pain, concussion rehabilitation, sports injuries and much more.